Discover the life you want to live. Overwhelm prevention and recovery for a more fulfilling life.
Integrative psychotherapy and EMDR, online or in-person.
Availability: I have limited availability for new daytime psychotherapy clients. If you'd like a preliminary chat or an initial appointment to see whether we'd be a good fit, please contact me.
If you’ve found your way here, you’re ready for change.
Something is getting in the way of you living the life you want. Whether it’s unresolved trauma, anxiety, or feeling stuck in unhelpful patterns of relating and behaving, I help people move past blockages that are holding them back.
The most rewarding thing about my work is seeing my clients feeling calmer, more confident, experiencing more rewarding relationships, feeling free to make the changes they need to, and responding to the here and now, not the legacy of their pasts. My clients often report that, as a result of our work together, they can be the person - friend, parent or partner - they want to be, rather than feeling clouded by the past.
Have a look around and, if you feel that this work could help you, let’s talk. I offer a free 20-minute introductory call.
You’re likely someone who has always been pretty self-sufficient, competent, able to manage things, perhaps even a bit of a ‘coper’. Lately, though, you’ve been struggling.
Perhaps you’re having strong reactions to interactions with people which you know are about more than just that moment. Maybe you’re repeating the same relationship patterns over and over: struggling to set boundaries in important relationships, to manage conflict, experiencing relationship ‘flare-ups’.
Certain things might unexpectedly trigger strong emotions: something on the TV; a throwaway comment; or a song on the radio. Perhaps you dread specific situations like an upcoming journey, an adult child leaving home, a meeting at work, or even just getting everyone out of the house in the morning. You don’t know why, but these situations feel so overwhelming. You know your reaction is about more than just the here and now.
Maybe ‘stuff’ from the past feels like sludge that impacts how you think, feel and behave: you need to clear it out in order to move forward. Experiences from the past are echoing down the years.
Whatever your blockage is, you don’t want to be held back by it any more.